Monday, September 26, 2011

I'm Official

I PASSED and am employed!!!  Wahoo!  Hello paycheck!  Well after weeks of spending my days studying I am relieved to say that I passed the exam and as of Wednesday I will have an official license!  I took the test on Thursday and had to wait til Saturday afternoon for the results.  I was a nervous wreck for 48 hours.  I was relieved to receive a phone call on Friday from Mercy hospital.  I had applied to a RN position in the C/T SICU or Cardiothoracic and Surgical ICU.  This is a position that I have been hoping for and knew there were going to be limited opportunities for new grads to be placed into them so I have been trying my hardest.  I was offered and excepted the position and I start on October 3.  I cannot wait!!  Also, I did receive my diploma in the mail so I guess it is truly official from the U of A as well.

Now all I need is a frame because Bryan says that my diploma cannot sit in a folder.  I guess it is time to go shopping!  Thank you to everyone for all of your support and patience during the school time and study sessions.  I greatly appreciate it and while I hope to love my job I hope to never see any of you in my unit! (unless you come visit me!)

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!! So Happy for you!! You deserve the best and all your hard work has paid off. Congrats girl!!!
